Sunday, April 22, 2007

To those who view these pictures . . . my husband tried to take pictures of all the family that was at Uncle Hildor's funeral. We've already seen where we have missed some of you and for that we deeply apologize. We hope that these pictures will include at least every family that was there.

In some cases, I haven't remembered all the names of people. If you can fill in the blanks, please let me know. I'm getting old plus I have the "Janz Forgetter" for a brain. Mensch!!


It was so delightful to hear Danny's voice again as he presented
two wonderful solos as a tribute to his father.

Ron Berg did such a good job of MCing the service. He is pictured
here with Uncle Dave.

Julie (Lewis) Honecker had the difficult task of bringing greetings
from her dad and mom, Lloyd and Carol Lewis. She did a great job
and I think it was just because Uncle Johnny stood beside her.

Vern sang a beautiful solo . . . if a person closed his eyes, one might
think Uncle Hildor was there singing. Good job, Vern!!

This is Johnny's son Torry, playing the guitar for his sisters and a
friend who did a beautiful worship dance for us.

Michael Janz presented a beautiful German song.

The Lord has certainly blessed Melanie (Veer) Williford with the gift of
leading worship. What a special time we had lifting our voices in
praise to Jesus. Thanks Melanie!

Casual shots of those who attended

Tracey (Lewis) Trytten and Nicole (Janz) McLean
Two beautiful girls.

Duane and Tracey Trytten

This is Uncle Vern with his niece, Natalie and
nephew, Michael both Danny's children

Uncle Dave with his grandson, Lorne Berg, Ron and Ruth's son

Steve and Karen Berg

Larry Janz and Glenna (Janz) Colbeck

Uncle Edwin Janz

Myrna (Janz) Buhler, Uncle Edwin's daughter

Norm and Julie Honecker

Rosalie (Lewis) Garwood and Iris Janz, Vern's wife

Johnny and June Janz and family

Aunt Olga with Julie

June with Natalie

Christa and Larry Janz . . . they came all the way from Winnipeg!!

Jerrold, Tanya and Nicole, cousins visiting

Jim and Sharon Janz

Jim and Sharon Janz and two of their children

Jim, Shirley Janz's husband (Shirley is with the Lord)

Johnny and Danny Janz, brothers

Genny (Berg) Steele, came from Portland

Danny with his two children, Michael and Natalie

Natalie and her dad, Danny

Aunt Olga on the arm of her son, Vern

Jerrold and Nicole (sorry I've forgotten your last name, Nicole)

Al and Gloria Veer

Most of the Al Veer Family

Anna Janz and Rosalie Garwood

Three cousins, Anna, Genny and Rosalie

Aunt Olga and Glenna having a visit